Back To Basics

Ok the event It seems I've been waiting ages for has finally come. Close to four fucking years in the making the cd event for me of the year has finally been presented.
Basically a lil history on me and Christina's history. She wasnt my favorite when she and Britney first appeared on the scene, mainly because I was to young to apperciate music and whatnot and Britney came first so I thought Christina was a biter. But the bitch could sang so...I kept an eye on her. After Britney delivered album after fluff album and slowly started to lose my interst. I was 17 and starting school at new enviroment and I was kinda lost. I didnt really know myself at that time in my life.
I was in a relationship that ended badly. Really badly as a matter of fact and after that I was completely lost and all that good shit. The Christina came out with Stripped. While it isnt the Best CD ever created, some people have cds that speak to them at a time in their life and helped them through a situation. Shawn has Songs in a minor By Alcia Keyes and thats Probably why that is his favorite singer. Other people have cited Janet's velvet Rope as inspiration. My cd was stripped.
Not only was it uplifting and inspirational it was raw and had soul. Walk away spoke to me at that time as did Fighter, I dealt with alot of bs at that time. Songs Such as soar, Singing My Song, Beautiful all talked to me and gave me my umph lol back. So she became my favorite singer. Ever. I truly stand by her and support her vision and artistry. Yeah she used to be compared to Britney back in the day but their bodies of work are in two completely different directions. To me Shes a true artist because she writes and produces real music. She doesnt just write 2 sentences to a song to get a royalty in the mail like some buzzing insects lol. Anyway I respect her wholeheartedly.
Back to Basics isnt Stripped. I wasnt expecting it to be. Nor am I dissapointed. Shes at a happier place than the last record. I dont agree with th marketing of the album it isnt straight 1920's30's40's bullshit. Its just staright R and B on Disc 1 and Disc 2 is more experimental as she did the whole Disc with the very creative Lesbo Linda Perry. The cd has its shining Moments Makes Me Wanna Pray produced by Rich Harrison is great, As is the 1st single. Understand is a contender for my favorite track.
On our way is great and so is Still Dirrty, with the horns and funk its really hot. I love aall of Disc 2 besides Mercy on me Im not all religionly so I dont like hearing Jesus' name over and over. Hurt is the best ballad in my opion. Candyman is a great throwback track. Alot of people wont like it becuz its to different but hr vocals are just amazing on it as they are on the whole cd. Yeah she does yell and scream sometime, but nowadays you need that when you have BULLSHIT artist like Cassie selling Cds.
This Cd doesnt really speak to me like Stripped did. It isnt a personal album per se. I mean Shes happy, in love married. Im not lol. Simple as that. Im not running around being happy about my relationship because hell it isnt even there. I know as she continues to grow and evolve as a person She'll get better and better. Im not really a fan of Jazz but shes made me like it.
Hopefully because its a double Disc this bitch doesnt have me waiting twice as long for a new cd. Overall this is probably the Album of the year as far as production and quality.9/10
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