Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The Always Open reaccuring door of my life has been my many friendships there are a seperate core that never goes away everyone else just guest stars for a period of time

SHAWN- Is my backbone, my support sysyem. He has his head on right. We've been freinds forever.

GARY-Is my other half. We hang out alot now and hes hot.

DONNELL- I`ve known him since I was like 15and we were both straight then so we've been through alot together.

ERIKA- The other bestfriend whom I love dearly. Shes the most opionated person I know.

HANIFAH- Bestfriend since like second grade dont really hang out that much anymore.... I''ve Known her forever since like 2nd grade.

TY- We hang time to time, hes really chill so that works

CORNELL- My other homie that I hang wit time to time

TROY- My favorite white person lol

KEVIN- Thanks 2 u I have feelings. LOL. You made me experience like the most hurtful thing ever but I guess I needed that so....Im glad we`re still friends and that your apart of my life. I honestly will always love you no matter and I kno u will always love me cuz DUH IM ME lol

WILL- Your the most honest person I know and I hate it sometimes. He's like 30 and hes been through everything.