Going Through The Motions

I guess you can put Miss Longoria as #1 on my top people to do. Lol behind her are Jessica Alba, Nicole Richie and Sean(my baby, not my bestfriend lol). Anyway as some grim events over this past week have taken affect Im trying to keep a positive attidue about everything and brush it off.
Clearly me Leaving this fall for school maybe on hold til January at the earliest. Sad face seems like Im pulling an Alvin (Kisses lol )Anyway as anyone whos attempted to go to school or even away for school knows Fincial aid plays a big part. And what I didnt know is that even if you are living on your own, making your own money and supporting yourself, your still a dependant til your 24. So I had to put down BOTH of my parents income. So my mom is a manager of Human Resources or Customer Satisfaction at one of Mtas locations, I have no idea what she does besides sit down and deal with complaints ofr the company. My dad is a psychologist and manager at a place for the troubled youth. He used to be an addictions counselor back when he was a big time drug dealer ironic isnt it lol. So suffice to say these bitches make money whether I see any of it or not and putting them on my fafsa kinda killed me for my own money since they arent supporting me moving away they arent cosigning any student loans helping me with housing or anything . So they offer to pay for me to go to school here, THATS THEIR DEAL.
Can you believe it. And the dorm people have been callin nonstop like when are we gonna get a call, your dorm is gonna go to someone else etc... So Im over it, my only hope of starting school this fall is to go to a community college and take credits there which kind of disgusts. I've always kinda looked down at community college. Only becuz I went to private schools 95% of my academic career. So I may have to do a semester at something that begins with or ends with a ccccc or bbbb lol. I dont really care tho I just gotta keep pressin on.
Anyway I had an exciting time this weekend thanks to alot of my favorite new/old bitches. Me and Jermey Finally made up this friday. Albeit it was over drinks the feud has finally came to an end and thats great becuz I have one of my favorite bitches back into my world and that means drinks of course. We got fucked up. I hung out with Cornell Prior to meeting up with everyone else. We got drunk and then headed to GC to meet up with the rest. We had a ball then went to this other place which I cant remember much of besides people bought me drinks and this guy who I thought was cute for the past 2 years actually tried to talk to me. I was like WOW. To bad the circumstances didnt allow it. I guess Next Lifetime Maybe I dunno.
Saturday I was hungover and sick all day. ALL DAY I felt seasick like I swallowed seamen from an uncut dick. Yea I felt that disgusting. I didnt start my day or should I say night til 2:30am when I finally hooked up with my favorite and cutest friend. We were to hit a movie, party then whatever but the movies was defiantly out so we clubbed and danced. It was really chilled considering I wasnt drunk. And its always funny to go to the club sober every now and then to see everyone so tore makes me not want to drink that much when I go out anymore.
Sunday was very chilled. I went to Bowie with Kevin to see/ Surprise my bestfriend I havent seen in 2 weeks. We ate pizza and watched the TCAS. So all in all my weekend was great. August has been my favorite month thus far this summer.
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