
School started this week. I was supposed to be going away but that fell through, so I have to go to reagular college til I can start Towson U in 07. Getting back into the grind of school wasnt as hard as I thought. I have associates that I go to school with. No one I would hang out with, except for Tyrone who I have seen in a year wow.
But school is great. I felt like I was missin out on something awhile ago when I wasnt in school and just working a lame ass job, I felt like I had no set path and I would have to struggle my whole life. Or atleast til I made it big modeling or acting.
So my major is Digital Film Production, along with all of that is writing, directing, production all that good stuff. This is clearly what I want to do. As far as act, write, direct, produce and model. Most of that you dont need help with, I mean you can go to acting school but that didnt really help Tara Reid did it?
My professors are all cool even though most are middle aged and angry, I dont really see how anyone could see teaching as a profession but to each its own.
This holiday weekend should have saw me drunk and booed up but clearly that didnt happen. People would rather go and party. What about my body, body, you gonna make me call somebody lol.
Friday I was just pissed. So I went to sleep. Saturday I just wasted money on nothing at all. I got drunk, I partied, I threw up twice so I wasnt drunk after that I was over it.
Sunday I hung out with Lil Kevin and chiled for a sec and went out a chilled. Another school week presents itself and I have a paper to write...
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